After life, death; after death, life again.
After the world, the pale; after the pale, the world again.

MAY 26, 2023, 11:25 ANTE MERIDIEM
Mood: tired
Music: Abs Conditus - The Abyss of True Death
woke up before 1 am, had to downgrade my graphics drivers, spent some time making this lovely web site, passed out & woke up after 9. didn't go to school today, one of the other classes is taking the math exam. ha. might go back to sleep.
MAY 27, 2023, 18:22 POST MERIDIEM
Mood: neutral
Music: none
went for a walk. before that i had *** cut my bangs, because they were getting pretty long, but she cut them a little too short. oh well. shit happens. listened to abs conditus and grausamkeit all day. uhh. yeah.
JUNE 28, 2023, 12:43 POST MERIDIEM
Mood: erratic
Music: Viikate - Leimu
haven't updated since may, huh? well, i'm sorry. real life kinda got in the way of things. but anyway. not much has happened in the past month, honestly...i'm working on writing something about my original characters, i've already written over 5000 words and i'm only on the second page of chapter 2. 10 pages in total. might take a shower and try to get back into learning finnish again. :)